Ada Ghuman

I strive towards experimentation and staying open to different artistic expressions and topics. Iā€™m attracted to simple shapes and colors; this is my guide when creating two and three dimensional environments. Form repetition for me reflects the mysteries of design, and more deeply our need to understand our own reverberating nature. For me creative gratification is the achievement of balance within, without, and all around. I paint for my personal growth and in doing so hope others are intrigued enough to linger, and perhaps even take a second look. Artist Bio I was hooked on the arts when at 15 years of age I submitted a work to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. The call to artists was for a subway marketing poster for the museum. Working on that piece, having it hang at the museum, being honorably mentioned and awarded a prize was a thrilling experience that set me on the road to creating. After graduating from the Duke Ellington School of Arts, I did a two year sting at Montgomery College of Art in Takoma Park, MD. Later a few classes at the Corcoran School of Art. Between schools and throughout the years I interned for artists or paid for instructions. But most of my learning has been selftaught through the process of trial and error always guided by my love for art.